
The Joy Luck Club Review

I know it's been FOREVER since I last shared anything I've read, but life has been busy and hectic, and even though I've been trying to make an effort to read more, it usually doesn't work. I started the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan over the holidays (yes, I am aware that this is like 2 months ago), and I loved it.

The Joy Luck Club focus on 4 Chinese-American families living in California in the 1980s. The chapters alternate whos perspective they're told from, switching between the mothers and daughters of each of the 4 families. The chapters told from the mothers points of view, the first and last 4 chapters, describe anecdotal stories and their lives in China. The middle 8 chapters, told from the perspective of the daughters, recount childhood memories and their contemporary lives. The book follows the relationships between the mothers and their daughters, and focuses on what brings the mothers/daughters closer together and what pushes them further apart.

I won't lie, this is not a book that I would typically pick up, but it was recommend for me so I decided to give it a try. I absolutely loved this book. I loved the changing perspectives and the anecdotal nature of the stories (even though the stories all do end up having a greater meaning). I also loved the focus on mother daughter relationships. I'm not 100% sure why, but this theme has really resonated with me and has made me think a lot about my relationship with my mom. Speaking of mother daughter relationships, the dedication in this book ("To my mother and the memory of her mother, You asked me once what I remeber. This, and much more.") literally kills me. Like, I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I wouldn't necessarily say that this book is sad, but its deep; it definately makes you think about yourself, your mom, and your background.

So, these are my thoughts! Again, I really loved this book (even though it's not the type of thing I usually like to read). If you read this book, let me know what you thought down below - it's like a virtual book club. Also, if you have any suggestions for the next book I should read, let me know!



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