
How I changed my exercise routine to avoid pain

For the past few months, exercise has been a huge part of my life. I have loved going to the gym and running for miles to relieve stress, pain, and anger. About a month ago, I got surgery (I am not comfortable sharing information now, but maybe, sometime down the road, I can share my experiences for anyone having the same type of surgery). With the surgery came 3 months with no working out. Since it has only been a month, I am still not allowed to do many types of workouts, but I have found a few that have allowed exercise to remain my stress reliever.

I am not allowed to do any upper body workouts, and no running at all, but I can do most things that work only leg muscles.

None of the exercises I have been doing are as intense as they were before I got surgery, but I still feel very good after doing them.

I tend to stick to 45-minute work outs.
I start by walking slowly on the treadmill, and then increase to a faster walk, but nothing I can’t handle. Then, after 5-10 minutes, I set the speed to 4mph and the incline all the way up (typically 15). This is a literal hike. I find that I can do this without experiencing any pain, while still breaking out into a good sweat.

About 20 minutes later (I also go by calories burned – 100 or 200 calories per walk, then switch), I do 20 squats. Squats are some of the only exersizes with weights I can do. I am not allowed to carry more than 5 pounds, so I use a 5 pund weight to ground myself while doing the squats. I’ll do 20 squats, then get water, then another 10-15.

After the squats, I go back on the treadmill, and walk another 20ish minutes at a 15 incline.

Then back and do another round of squats.

I always finish the workout with light stretching (nothing that would induce pain!).

Typically, I love running, but I find that this workout does as much for me as running would. So get up, and get moving! Because you can really find a workout for everything even if you’re in some pain!

If you need workout ideas with certain limitations, feel free to comment below or Instagram DM me, and I’d be more than happy to help you out!!

Thank you so much for reading, and I’ll see you in the next post!



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