
Favorite Colors For Winter

If you’re like me, you live in neutrals during the winter. Blacks and creams and taupes, oh my! I love love love neutrals, but sometimes it can get a little repetitive. This winter, I’ve been making it my goal to wear more colors. Now don’t go crazy - I’m not talking bright reds and yellows - I’m talking about colors that barely pass for colors they're so close to neutrals. Today I thought I’d share a few of my favorite ‘colors’ for winter with you guys!

  • Hunter Green - I’ve been loving this dark green this winter. I know olive/army green has been really popular this winter, but I much prefer hunter green. It’s darker and looks gorgeous on all skin tones.
  • Dusty Rose - Light pink is typically thought of as a spring-y color, but I’ve been loving dusty rose this winter. It’s a little warmer than regular pink and pairs beautifully with every other neutral color (which is perfect so you don’t need to buy a whole new wardrobe).   
  • Dusty Cedar - This off-burgundy color is absolutely stunning. I love that it's a little rustier/dustier than regular burgundy but still gives off the same vibes.
  • Clay - It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out a good name for this color. I'm calling it clay, but it's kind of like a burnt orange color. I don't even particularly like this color as a color (if that makes any sense) but I think it's really unique for winter and a great way to add a little bit of color into an outfit.
  • Dark Eggplant - This is definitely a more classic winter color, but because I'm adventurous I love to change it up and wear a really dark eggplant. Like so dark it's almost black. Dark eggplant is another one of those colors that's pretty much universally flattering on all skin tones.

So, these are some of my favorite winter shades. I know they're only, like, ½ a step past a neutral but they're a gorgeous way to spice up an otherwise simple outfit. Let me know what some of your favorite shades for winter are, I'd love to check them out!



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