
6 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

There’s something about the sun going down at 5 o’clock that makes everything seem really depressing. It’s mid-January, we’re past the holidays and initial excitement of winter, and if you’re anything like me, winter has gone on long enough. But we still have a month and a half left. So today I’m sharing a few ideas I have to help you beat the winter blues!

  • Find A New Hobby - Life is always more entertaining when there’s something I actually look forward to doing. When you’re stuck inside anyways, I think the winter is the perfect time to discover a new hobby. In need of suggestions? Try calligraphy, or baking, or learn a new language.
  • Shake Up Your Playlist - I always decide to revamp my go-to playlist in the winter. I recommend adding a ton of upbeat and peppy songs that are sure to put you in a good mood.
  • Soak Up The Sun (while it’s out) - Even though it gets dark super early and it can get pretty cold, get outside and soak up the sun while you can. Trust me, there is nothing prettier than a snowy hike.
  • Read A Great Book - Curling up in front of the fire place with some hot chocolate and a great book sounds amazing. Reading seems to transport you anywhere and is a great thing to do if you’re so not feeling the cold weather. My recommendations? Try these!
  • Discover Your City - If you feel like you’ll explode if you spend one more day holed up in your house, go outside and check out your own city! Fun story: I feel like I always find the coolest things to do/places to eat/places to shop near where I live in the winter - IDK why, it must be a gift.
  • Make Time for Friends and Family - After the holidays, it can be easy to let things slip a little bit. But if the winter is really getting you down, try to spend some time with loved ones. Throw an impromptu dinner party or host a movie night, I guarantee you’ll be put in a better mood.

Ok obviously, these are just my suggestions for how to beat the winter blues. If you think your symptoms are more than just being annoyed at the weather, please talk to a doctor because Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing and they can help.

If you guys have any other ideas for beating the winter blues let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear them!



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