
Skincare Secret

Hey guys!
Today I am sharing my skincare secret with you.

I have a lot of texture and eczema on my face and it drives me insane.

I have found that the only thing to help with texture and breakouts are getting extractions. Yes, they can be expensive if done at a dermatologist's office, but I have found a small place outside NYC that does them for $40.

If you don't know what an extraction is, it is basically an esthetician removing all the gunk and dirt from your skin. They typically use a tool or their fingers (with gloves of course). This process is painful, and makes you look like you got stung by bees for about 2-3 days after, but after everything goes back to normal my skin looks incredible. Not only is it so much clearer, but it is glowyer and looks way more radiant. I also notice my eczema is reduced significantly and I feel no need to wear foundation.

Yes, I do think this is a super expensive process, and even $40 is a lot, but I have noticed a huge difference. I am a big believer that you only have one skin and you should take care of it.

Let me know if you have ever had an extraction and what your thoughts are. Also if you're in the Tri-State area, let me know where you get your extractions done!

Thank you so much for reading.


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