
2017 New Years Resolutions

New Year, New Me. I know, I know, you've probably sick of hearing that phrase because so am I.
I know I mentioned I would be posting my skincare favorites from last year today, but I thought that could wait a few days and I could post my resolutions instead.

I find that whenever I write my resolutions down, I tend to stick to them more than I would if they were just kept in my head.

Today, I will be sharing my 2 biggest resolutions for 2017.

The first one is to make healthier choices. This resolutions covers everything from food to fitness to who I'm friends with. 2016 was a year where I found out who was really there for me, and who was just a fake friend. In addition, I am always looking to improve my health and body by eating and exercising. I think that if I focus on making healthy life choices, I can improve myself for the better!

The second resolution I would like to share has to do with this blog. I know I have slacked on posting for the past few months. I will not try to make excuses (because, in reality, none of you really care), but I will say that I will work my hardest to post 2x a week. I have to stop letting other, non-blog, related things get in the way of writing, and doing something I love. I am planning on taking time out of every day to do something blog related-- working on the instagram, writing posts, or responding to emails and other behind the scenes things. I really really want to thank everyone for sticking around because I know I would have become impatient with myself.

I would love to hear what your New Years resolutions are, so please leave them in the comments below!

Thank you so much for reading.


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