Hey guys!
So today I have my list of 2015 resolutions! I will be the first to admit, I am horrible at keeping resolutions so this year I tried to make a few that I am really motivated to keep and will be inspired to accomplish. So here’s my list!
- Learn a new language - This is one I’ve had for a while. I really want to learn Portuguese, it’s strange I have no connections to Portugal but it’s just the language I want to learn. I’m not saying I’ll be fluent in 12 months I just want to be able to speak basic conversational Portuguese. I’ve started using duolingo, an app that teaches you a different language, and so far it’s been great. However I may use another site as well just because.
- Find more time to workout - I feel as though I’ve been slacking off on legit workouts. I still do my daily workout routines everyday but I haven’t been able to find as much time to like go to the gym or to do actual workouts.
- Wear more of what I own - I always find myself at the mall one way or another. But one of my resolutions this year is to wear the clothes that I already own more. Sometimes I find that I wear clothes I buy once or twice but I would really like to make sure I wear clothes a lot more.
- Break a bad habit - I tend to rip my nails. Some people bite their nails but I rip mine. One of my goals this year is to stop doing this. And I swear I will do whatever it takes.
- Finish redecorating - I really want to finish redecorating both my room and my bathroom this year. This has been an ongoing project for a while now and I really just want it done.
Ok so these are 5 of my New Years resolutions this year. I have a few more but they were like super random so I decided not to put them on this list. Comment below any resolutions you have this year!
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