Today I have a DIY post for you! I’ll be showing you how to make these Glitter topped jars. These are perfect for anything from pens to eyeliners to little knick knack holders or even a gift for someone.
What You’ll Need:
- Clear Glass Mason Jars - I purchased mine at Michaels for about 5$.
- Mod Podge - Again Michaels for about 3$
- Liquid Glue - Michaels for like $2
- Glitter - Again Michaels for like $3
- Paint Brushes - Any kind will do but I suggest using cheap ones because they’ll be putting on glue.
What To Do:
- You’ll want to find a clear area and lay down some newspaper because this can get messy.
- Lay your glitter out on plate or a bowl you don’t mind getting disgusting.
- Ok so you need to pop out the center of your mason jar lids, most of them do this automatically, but while you’re at the store I would just make sure.
- Using just the rim part of the jar, coat it in glue. I suggest using your paintbrush for an even coat. Remember to also put glue on the top part.
- Now roll your lid through the glitter, be sure to coat every part. If you miss a spot, just pour a little glitter on.
- I suggest waiting a few minutes before doing this next part.
- You’ll want to use another paintbrush and your modge podge and gently coat the entire lid. It will come out white but don’t worry it will dry clear. It’s also ok if some your glitter clumps because you honestly can’t tell at all.
- Now just wait for it to dry!
Ok so that’s the DIY. It’s super simple and they look so professional when they’re done. Comment below if you try this!
tots doing this!!!!!!