Exactly one year ago I wrote a post very similar to this
one. I talked about the sister marches that went on all around the world. If
you want to read that one click here!
Today, I wanted to share my experiences from this past Saturday,
January 21st. I was part of the 50,000 people who marched in NYC. As
I was marching, a Buzzfeed reported came up and asked if he could interview me.
Excited I was going to be on Buzzfeed, of course I said yes. The first question
he asked me was why I was marching. In that interview I said, “I am marching to
support women and to support democracy.” The minute he asked the question I
stopped to think about why I was really marching, I didn’t have time to think
on the spot, as the interview was live, but I continued thinking as I kept
I marched to stand up for what I believe in. The United
States was built on the foundation of freedom- speech, press and assembly. Using
these freedoms is what makes you an active, valuable member of the community. So
much is going on in this world and country. As a citizen with these rights, it
is essential to use them; that means listening carefully when the opposite view
protests and respecting differences in opinion.
As I was marching, I found unity in the group of people I
was with—Everyone was nice and supportive. We were all working together to
share our message. And for the 5 hours we were there, nothing else matter.
People weren’t treated differently because of skin color, gender, sexuality, or
anything else.
Since Saturday, I have tried to take that same mentality
into my everyday life. Being a part of such a big crowd of supportive people
makes me want to better myself and better my community to have the same
mentality those at the march did.
I marched to show that I stand with women, but, more importantly,
I marched to stand up for my rights as a citizen of the United States.
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