I freakin’ hate the winter! It happens every year so I don’t know why I am always unprepared for static-y hair and dry hands. I hope this post helps you all survive the cold, so lets get on with the list!
- Static-y Hair - My tried and true ‘treatment’ for this is just using a dryer sheet and rubbing it on your hair. Water will sometimes also work as well as spraying hairspray and then brushing it through you hair. Also only shampooing your hair every other day is good because even though we all love clean hair when its a little more oily it will help it be less static-y.
- Dry Hands - Moisturizing is a given but doing it when your hands is slightly wet will help lock in the moisturizer and help it last longer. Wearing gloves will also help keep the cold air out which will help your hands be not as dry. In your house I would also recommend trying to add moisture to the air, either by a humidifier or by placing a large bowl of water in front of a vent.
- Dry Lips - Obviously chap stick will work, just make sure to apply it regularly. Before you go to bed also try to exfoliate your lips with either a toothbrush or a lip exfoliator. Try not to pick at your lips, as tempting as it may be it will only make it worse.
These are my tips of how to solve many of Winter’s problems. I do have some more tips though, they just didn’t actually solve any problems, so on with that list!
- Wear Sunglasses - Even though it’s winter the sun’s rays are still super strong and I’m convinced that snow blindness is a real thing. When walking outside I definitely recommend wearing sunglasses.
- Wear Sunscreen - Even if it is only a little bit of sunscreen on your face before you apply your makeup I definitely recommend wearing it because as I said before the sun’s rays are still super strong.
- Stay Hydrated - Although it’s cold make sure you’re drinking enough water because it’s harder to tell when you’re dehydrated in the winter.
Ok so these are my tips for surviving the winter and the cold. Comment below any tips you have or any ways you have for solving some of the common problems that happen during winter.
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